Wellness Consults
How do wellness consultations work?
Wellness Consultations are held via Zoom and email. We will do a call so I can gather all history and information about your dog and your lifestyle and will send you a detailed email with a written plan moving forward.
How long will it take for my recipe formulation?
Please note it can take up to 14 days to complete a recipe, but this is typically finished much sooner.
Do you formulate balanced recipes for growing puppies?
Yes! New services as of 2021. Includes proper balance of important nutrients such as Calcium:Phosphorus for growing puppies.
A puppy is a small/medium breed over 12 months in age and 14-16 months for larger breeds.
Do you only work with owners that feed raw?
Absolutely not! I'm happy to coach anyone who has an interest in improving their dog's well being! I guide and work with owners that feed all types of diets (raw, kibble, cooked, dehydrated, homemade, premade) and have suggestions to help you regardless of what you're feeding your dog!
Are you "Anti-Kibble"?
Nope! However, I am against owners making uninformed choices that lead to feeding poor quality kibble! I know that commercial kibble is what works for the majority of dog owners and that's just fine! I'm here to help you make informed choices about what type of kibble you feed and show you what to look for in a good quality dry food.